Who we are

We're Tanzinne and Darren, and we believe beauty connects us all.

We travel to share the stories of resilience and wonder we find across the globe.

Travel is our privilege and our education, and we want to share our learnings with you.

Our hope is that you see the world's opportunities and connections, and see how we are all closely connected.


Tanzinne: Artist, Chef, and dog whisperer. Exhibited worldwide.

Darren: Poet, Photographer, and lover of people's stories.

Darren & Tanzinne Fielding of Weird, but I Like it

Connect with us

We love community. We love hearing your stories and getting glimpses into your travels, your stories and what inspires you.

We’ve shared our social media links below. Hint : Click on the pictures of us.

Reach out, say Hi and share your thoughts and your world with us.

Tanzinne Matthews-Fielding

Tanzinne Matthews-Fielding

Darren Fielding

Darren Fielding

